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Ruff is an extremely fast Python linter, formatter, and code assistant. It's written in Rust and is designed to be a drop-in replacement for tools like Flake8, pycodestyle, pyupgrade, isort, and others.

Key Features

  • Extremely Fast: Written in Rust, Ruff is significantly faster than traditional Python linters.
  • Comprehensive: Combines the functionality of multiple tools, including linters, formatters, and code fixers.
  • Configurable: Highly customizable through the ruff.toml configuration file.
  • Easy to Integrate: Integrates well with popular editors and CI/CD systems.
  • Automatic Fixes: Can automatically fix many common linting errors.

Ruff in this Project

This project uses Ruff for linting, formatting, and ensuring code quality. The configuration is managed through the ruff.toml file located in the root directory of the project.

Configuration (ruff.toml)

The ruff.toml file specifies the settings for Ruff. Here's a breakdown of the key configurations:

  • exclude: Specifies directories that Ruff should ignore, such as .git, .venv, dist, etc.
  • line-length: Sets the maximum line length for the project (currently 99 characters).
  • target-version: Specifies the target Python version (currently Python 3.12).
  • Defines the set of rules that Ruff should enforce. This includes:
    • E: pycodestyle errors
    • N: pep8-naming conventions
    • F: pyflakes
    • D: pydocstyle
  • lint.ignore: Specifies rules that should be ignored. This project ignores several pydocstyle rules related to missing docstrings in certain contexts.
  • fixable: Specifies rules that Ruff can automatically fix.
  • dummy-variable-rgx: Configures the regular expression for dummy variable names.
  • format: Configures code formatting options such as quote style, indentation, etc.
  • per-file-ignores: Allows specifying different configurations for different files or directories. Tests directory ignores missing docstrings.


Ruff is integrated into the development workflow using pre-commit hooks, the CI/CD pipelines and will be applied in auto save mode when using VS Code.

Pre-commit Hooks

Ruff is configured as a pre-commit hook to automatically lint and format code before each commit. This helps ensure that all code meets the project's quality standards. To use the pre-commit hooks, make sure you have pre-commit installed and configured in your local environment.

Command Line

Ruff can also be run from the command line:

uv run ruff check .
uv run ruff format .

These commands will check and format the code in the current directory, respectively.

Integrating with Editors

Ruff integrates with many popular code editors, such as VS Code, Sublime Text, and others. Refer to the Ruff documentation for editor-specific instructions.

Customizing Ruff

The ruff.toml file can be customized to suit the specific needs of the project. Refer to the Ruff documentation for a complete list of available options.

Pydocstyle Convention

The pydocstyle section specifies the convention for docstrings. This project uses the "google" convention.