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Using Pre-Commit Hooks

Pre-commit hooks are scripts that run automatically before each commit. They help to identify and fix issues before they are integrated into the codebase, ensuring code quality and consistency.

Benefits of Using Pre-Commit Hooks?

Pre-commit hooks automate code checks, formatting, and other tasks, saving time and effort during code reviews. They catch common problems early, preventing them from becoming bigger issues later.

How to Use Pre-Commit Hooks in This Project

This project uses pre-commit to manage pre-commit hooks. Here's how to get started:

1. Installation

Make sure you have uv installed. If not, refer to the installation guide.

2. Install Pre-Commit Hooks and/or Running Hooks Manually

  • Install Pre-Commit Hooks to automatically when you commit changes. Run the following command to install the pre-commit hooks:

    uv run pre-commit install
  • Running Hooks Manually If you want to run the hooks manually, use the following command:

    uv run pre-commit run --all-files

3. Configuring Hooks

The pre-commit hooks are configured in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file. This file specifies the hooks to use, their settings, and other options.

Here's a breakdown of the hooks used in this project:

  • Ruff: A fast Python linter and formatter. It checks for code style issues and automatically fixes them. Refer to the ruff.toml file for the configurations.
    • Ruff Check: Runs the Ruff linter to identify issues. The --fix argument automatically fixes fixable issues. --exit-non-zero-after-fix will cause the hook to fail if ruff makes changes.
    • Ruff Format: Runs the Ruff formatter to format the code. The --diff argument displays a diff of the changes instead of applying them directly.
  • Pyright: A static type checker for Python. It checks for type errors in the code. Refer to the pyrightconfig.json file for the configurations.
  • Hadolint: A linter for Dockerfiles. It checks for common issues and best practices in Dockerfiles. The --config .hadolint.yaml argument specifies a configuration file for Hadolint.

4. Customizing Hooks

You can customize the pre-commit hooks by modifying the .pre-commit-config.yaml file. You can add new hooks, remove existing hooks, or change the settings of existing hooks.

For more information on how to configure pre-commit hooks, see the pre-commit documentation.